We offer a smooth and convenient 30-day refund policy, allowing you to request an item return after 30 days of receiving it.
For an efficient and successful return, the product should be in the same condition you received from us. What are the criteria for an item to be in good condition? The items are unused or unworn and in original packaging with tags attached. You can return this kind of product. In the meantime, showing purchase proof or receipt is required to prevent inconvenience.
You can freely contact us to initiate a return of your product at sales@sks02.syedusmanahmad.com. If your return request is accepted, we will provide you with a return shipping label along with some crucial instructions about the package. We will tell you how and where we will send you your package. However, products returned to us with a prior request will be accepted for a return.
To inquire about the return of any product, you can always contact us at sales@sks02.syedusmanahmad.com. Our customer service representatives are open to discussing any issues you may have.
When you decide to initiate a refund request, please email sales@plateempire.co.uk.
Once we receive your request, we will consider the application and provide further details shortly.
When you receive your products, we highly recommend a thorough inspection of the item to ensure no damage or defects have occurred. If there’s a major problem, please reach out immediately at sales@plateempire.co.uk
so the problem can be resolved instantly without inconvenience. Feel free to reach out to us to learn more about the return eligibility of particular items.
These documents are required by DVLA so we will need them before we can issue any road legal number plate.
We need to see your Name address and document reference number. and car registration number you have requested to be made.
We do not need your date of birth, picture or inside pages of v5.
Only two documents are required in total.
Documents to show entitlement to the registration number (ONE ONLY):
• Vehicle registration certificate (V5C)
• New keeper supplement (V5C/2)
• A Certificate of Entitlement (V750)
to the number
• A Retention Document (V778)
• A renewal reminder for vehicle tax or SORN (V11 or V11NI)
• A Temporary Registration Certificate (V379)
• A Number Plate Authorisation Certificate (V948) with an official stamp from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) or Driver
and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA)
• An electronic Number Plate Authorisation Certificate (eV948)
• A letter of authorisation from a fleet operator (including lease or hire company) quoting the document reference number from the V5C
• Record of insurer’s name, reference and
policy numbers (for repairs approved
by an insurance company)
• If your fleet is in the new V5C on demand scheme (also called ‘V5C suppression’), a PDF of the vehicle’s details from the view vehicle record service.
Documents to confirm your name and address (ONE ONLY):
• Driving licence, with or without a photo
(doesn’t have to be issued in the UK)
• Utility bill, Council Tax or rates bill in
Northern Ireland (from the last 6 months)
• Bank or building society statement (from
the last 6 months)
• National identity card (issued by the government of a state or territory other
than the United Kingdom).
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